So Sara would be so disappointed in me! It has been forever since I have posted last, so this is what's been going on lately!
1)Brandon and Aly's wedding. Kinda crazy but it was nice, Aly looked pretty and Brandon cleaned up nicely. Brandon left the marriage license in SLC so the wedding started about 45 minutes to an hour later then it was supposed to! I got to hang out in the waiting room, it felt like forever!! But all in all it was a good time.

Nic and Me at the wedding waiting for the pictures to be done
The Bride and her Bridesmaid's
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Fletcher
2) The day after the wedding we decided to head towards Nashville instead of waiting 2 more days. Instead of going to through Colorado and the midwest we went through Wyoming, Nebraska, and down towards Tennessee. It was HORRIBLE, the longest drive of NOTHING NESS.. It made Maine look populated which if you've ever been to western or northern maine, you know its not!! But anyway the 24 hour trip too much longer.. We stopped the first night in Wyoming , the second right out side of St. Louis and then drove the 4 hours to Nashville. I really dont think i've ever spent that much time in the car. Driving the first day we went from sunny skies, to sleet, hail and snow in about an hour.. all in Wyoming.. the only picture that is worth showing is a picture of me passed out in the car while Nic is driving the first day. I can sleep almost anywhere it seems!
3) We were in Brentwood with Nic's family for about a week in a half before we headed to my parents house. We hung out at the house a lot, and I applied for about 50 jobs or so it seems. I had 2 interviews but neither one worked out, I think its because I was going to Maine for two weeks and they wanted me to start shortly after. We did get to baby sit the Duncan girls and Mr. Caleb :) I didnt get any pictures with the girls but I am sure I will get plently later on this summer but we did get 2 very adorable ones with Caleb.
The first one is me and Caleb hanging out and the 2nd Caleb decided to read Nic a bedtime story!
3) We flew up to Maine for 2 weeks to spend some time with my parents, it so amazing I had missed home so much! When we flew in the look on my parents face was priceless, they were so happy to see me, and excited to finally meet Nic! My dad jumped in front of my mom to give me a hug, it was awesome to see him I didnt think he was going to bed there at the airport! The