Thursday, August 27, 2009
Cheerleading ♥
So I think I forgot how much I love cheering. I've had 3 practices with my new team, and even though there are 7 of us at the moment, and the talent isnt where I'm used to be. I LOVE IT. I'm so sore I can barley walk, I'd rather spend all day in bed when I'm not at practice, but I forgot how much I love tumbling, stuntin, jumping, and dancing. It doesn't look like we are going to be able to compete this year, with 7 girls, you cant really do much, but hopefully next year we can get more girls to join the team. With a school this small its hard to. I'm meeting really nice people on campus, and I can't wait for school to start on monday :D first football games Saturday night, we arent cheering at the game but it will be nice to have one game that we can hang out in the stands and see whats going on :). Orentation is tomorrow along with practice, hopefully I get a roomate soon, this place is too quiet with out another person here!
Monday, August 24, 2009
New school year, New me
Here I am about to start my 4th year of school, in another new place. I cant help but think about last year this time, how I was feeling, and where I was, and realize how much I have changed. Some people may not see a change at all but others see a dramatic one. Last year I was starting school at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville Texas. I had just moved there, starting to make new friends, cheering and being optimistic about school. I knew where I was at in life that I didnt really need to be there, but I was there to make my mom happy and to prove that I could amount to something. I made friends that will forever be close to me, who were there when it seemed like my world was crashing down, friends that I honestly felt I could be myself with. I was in college, turning 20 having the time of my life, going out dancing staying up late laughing more then I have ever in my life. Then I started talking to this guy, and my world as I knew it slowly started to change. I moved again at the end of the semester, said goodbye to what were social norms to me to take on a new life that seemed so strange and weird. I wasnt going all that willingly, I didnt like the idea of transferring again, I LOVED Texas, and figured I would be there until I graduated, but I loved him so I knew that no matter what happened, it would be alright because somehow everything always seems to work out. Now that I look back on last spring in Utah it wasnt all that bad. It was far from home, and too much of a change for me at once. A place that in a few years from now I could go back and probably be very happy, but I wasnt grown up enough, things were changing in my life and I wasnt sure if I would be ok with it. I never have regretted going to Utah, and if I had the chance to change and stay in Texas I still would of chose Utah. I may have done a few things different while I was there, but going there I wouldnt change. I was so excited to leave, I knew deep down I wasnt going to go back. That even if this man that I loved with all my heart was going back, we would somehow make it though if I wasnt there. I wanted to be back home, I wanted to be with my family and my friends, something that I missed so much out west, that no matter what I did I couldnt get it back. I didnt miss partying, that was the last thing I missed. That has never been something that I've enjoyed. I missed being able to do as I please, and not being "judge" by my decisions. Thats the one thing I hate the most is someone thinking they know me, judging me. When they havent really taken the time to get to know me and to know what I am going through. I changed my life for the better out there and I love the decisions I have made. I have made some mistakes over the past year, but I am 20 years old, I am young, and I am new at this, I am changing all these aspects of my life. I am going to make mistakes, but Heavenly Father loves me, and will help me with my flaws and make me a better person with every set back I have He forgives. So now back to the begining of this post, I am starting my 4th year of school with probably another year and a half left to go, I wont know until the registrars office finishes finalizing my transcripts. But I want to go to law school once I graduate, I want to prove to all the people who said I wasnt going to amount to anything that I am. When I have my mind set I do it. I've been looking at a lot of different schools. But I plan on graduating from Southern VA, I hate transferring and I never want to do it again. I am in a place now where I am happy, I am back on the east coast, very close to family and very old friends, with this crazy adorable funny caring man that I love. No matter what has happened in the past year he has shown me that I can overcome anything. When he should of critizied he cared and loved. He has never judged me and is the whole reason why I am heading in this new direction.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Summer Continued
... So Tiffany had her little girl Hayden Riley on June 11th. She was due the 4th so you can be sure Tiff was ready for her to come out! I cant remember how big she was or anything but I know that she was healthy. I was really sad she didnt come out early and I wanted to see her and now I cant for a while. I have no idea when I will be home next so it stinks.
Since we have been back from Maine, nothing too exciting has happened... We have gone to the Lake twice, I got sun poising the week before the 4th of July. I looked scary, not me at all! My eyes got so swollen that they were just barley slits. It wasn't fun! Nic works all the time at sonic, he seems to enjoy it a lot and the people he works with seem to be a lot of fun. I am working at Shoney's I am a hostess and a cashier. I enjoy working with most of the people, and I could do with out some of the comments from the guest, but you have to take what you can get and its a job and thats more then most people can say right now!
Nic and I will be at Southern Virginia University in the fall, yes I know I know 4 schools in 4 years. But I think we will both be really happy there. Its 2 hours from where I grew up in VA, and where my Gram and family lives, 3 hours from DC, 4 from the Beach and 7 from Nashville. Nic is going to be playing football, and I am hopefully going to be cheering. The both of us trying to get back in shape isnt pretty!
We got to baby sit Caleb again Friday night, he is a ball to watch! We swang, and he ate all my mac and cheese, he loves saying "Peees" (please) and he is so cute you cant say no to him. He showed us how to swim in the bathtub, and then we are slowly making him a Red Sox fan, Nic started out by getting him to wear his hat. He loves getting his picture taken and makes the cutest faces! When I was reading to him before bed, we both fell asleep in the chair Nic took a picture and it is adorable

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Summer 2009- So far :)
So this blog was started about 2 months ago, and i just forgot to finish and post it. so i will finish it now haha when the summer is almost over!!
So Sara would be so disappointed in me! It has been forever since I have posted last, so this is what's been going on lately!
Nic and Me at the wedding waiting for the pictures to be done

The Bride and her Bridesmaid's

Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Fletcher
2) The day after the wedding we decided to head towards Nashville instead of waiting 2 more days. Instead of going to through Colorado and the midwest we went through Wyoming, Nebraska, and down towards Tennessee. It was HORRIBLE, the longest drive of NOTHING NESS.. It made Maine look populated which if you've ever been to western or northern maine, you know its not!! But anyway the 24 hour trip too much longer.. We stopped the first night in Wyoming , the second right out side of St. Louis and then drove the 4 hours to Nashville. I really dont think i've ever spent that much time in the car. Driving the first day we went from sunny skies, to sleet, hail and snow in about an hour.. all in Wyoming.. the only picture that is worth showing is a picture of me passed out in the car while Nic is driving the first day. I can sleep almost anywhere it seems!
All you can see is a little bit of my hair, the blanket is also half way in the back seat!
3) We were in Brentwood with Nic's family for about a week in a half before we headed to my parents house. We hung out at the house a lot, and I applied for about 50 jobs or so it seems. I had 2 interviews but neither one worked out, I think its because I was going to Maine for two weeks and they wanted me to start shortly after. We did get to baby sit the Duncan girls and Mr. Caleb :) I didnt get any pictures with the girls but I am sure I will get plently later on this summer but we did get 2 very adorable ones with Caleb.

The first one is me and Caleb hanging out and the 2nd Caleb decided to read Nic a bedtime story!
3) We flew up to Maine for 2 weeks to spend some time with my parents, it so amazing I had missed home so much! When we flew in the look on my parents face was priceless, they were so happy to see me, and excited to finally meet Nic! My dad jumped in front of my mom to give me a hug, it was awesome to see him I didnt think he was going to bed there at the airport! The
days flew by quick, I got to see a lot of my friends, and a few I didnt get to see but theres always next time! We got to see Tiff and her new apartment, she is having the baby any day now. Look how huge that belly is! you can only tell she is prego by the front and she is still wearing normal jeans! I was disappointed that the little one didnt come before we left, she is probably the main reason we are going to go back to Maine in August to see her!
So Sara would be so disappointed in me! It has been forever since I have posted last, so this is what's been going on lately!
1)Brandon and Aly's wedding. Kinda crazy but it was nice, Aly looked pretty and Brandon cleaned up nicely. Brandon left the marriage license in SLC so the wedding started about 45 minutes to an hour later then it was supposed to! I got to hang out in the waiting room, it felt like forever!! But all in all it was a good time.

Nic and Me at the wedding waiting for the pictures to be done
The Bride and her Bridesmaid's
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Fletcher
2) The day after the wedding we decided to head towards Nashville instead of waiting 2 more days. Instead of going to through Colorado and the midwest we went through Wyoming, Nebraska, and down towards Tennessee. It was HORRIBLE, the longest drive of NOTHING NESS.. It made Maine look populated which if you've ever been to western or northern maine, you know its not!! But anyway the 24 hour trip too much longer.. We stopped the first night in Wyoming , the second right out side of St. Louis and then drove the 4 hours to Nashville. I really dont think i've ever spent that much time in the car. Driving the first day we went from sunny skies, to sleet, hail and snow in about an hour.. all in Wyoming.. the only picture that is worth showing is a picture of me passed out in the car while Nic is driving the first day. I can sleep almost anywhere it seems!
3) We were in Brentwood with Nic's family for about a week in a half before we headed to my parents house. We hung out at the house a lot, and I applied for about 50 jobs or so it seems. I had 2 interviews but neither one worked out, I think its because I was going to Maine for two weeks and they wanted me to start shortly after. We did get to baby sit the Duncan girls and Mr. Caleb :) I didnt get any pictures with the girls but I am sure I will get plently later on this summer but we did get 2 very adorable ones with Caleb.
The first one is me and Caleb hanging out and the 2nd Caleb decided to read Nic a bedtime story!
3) We flew up to Maine for 2 weeks to spend some time with my parents, it so amazing I had missed home so much! When we flew in the look on my parents face was priceless, they were so happy to see me, and excited to finally meet Nic! My dad jumped in front of my mom to give me a hug, it was awesome to see him I didnt think he was going to bed there at the airport! The
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I am HORRIBLE with electronics!
I have been in college for 3 years and I have had 3 different computers. My mom stole my first one, and I upgraded for a small version of the one I had. Then through all my travels during winter vacation, someone at the airport decided that dropping my luggage would be a good idea and cracked the screen, probably at the newark airport where I spent most of my vacation, and with all my luck, the company that i got my very expensive computer with a WONDERFUL warranty filed for bankruptcy so I'm stuck with a crack down my screen! Well I obviously need something to do school work on so I went and bought a little acer notebook from office depot for less then 300 bucks, and now my itunes doesnt want to work. To try and fix this problem I for some reason plug my ipod into my computer and now that wont work! This is also my second ipod in a few years because i fried my ipod last year disconnecting it with out the proper steps.
I have ZERO luck with electronics.
And now I'm depressed because my ipod is dead, needs to be charged, and I cant update it at all.
I have been in college for 3 years and I have had 3 different computers. My mom stole my first one, and I upgraded for a small version of the one I had. Then through all my travels during winter vacation, someone at the airport decided that dropping my luggage would be a good idea and cracked the screen, probably at the newark airport where I spent most of my vacation, and with all my luck, the company that i got my very expensive computer with a WONDERFUL warranty filed for bankruptcy so I'm stuck with a crack down my screen! Well I obviously need something to do school work on so I went and bought a little acer notebook from office depot for less then 300 bucks, and now my itunes doesnt want to work. To try and fix this problem I for some reason plug my ipod into my computer and now that wont work! This is also my second ipod in a few years because i fried my ipod last year disconnecting it with out the proper steps.
I have ZERO luck with electronics.
And now I'm depressed because my ipod is dead, needs to be charged, and I cant update it at all.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Should I Stay or Should I Go??
I've been thinking about this one a lot the past few weeks. Come back to UVU in the fall or go back to UMaine. Its a really hard decision for me to make. I'm not really fond of Utah, some people I have met, I have grown to love in a short period of time, but others have ruined the experience for me. It rains to much and being in the valley makes me feel like the walls are closing in on me. As I sit here not being able to sleep and church coming up in a few hours I think about the people I will see and how if I didn't come back I would miss them dearly. The Bosco family for one, they have felt like a second family. Welcoming me into their home with open arms, always willing to help or be there to talk to. Then Saramarie, the past few weeks hanging out with her and the guys has been a blast. I feel like I can talk to her so easily and she is contagious with laughter. My roommate Renee, who always seems to understand what I am going through, with our "I hate Utah days" sitting in the living room talking about life before Utah, and our dislike for other certain people. Then there is the most important person, Nic. I couldn't imagine being cross country from him, not seeing him when I pleased, driving across Utah visiting temples, talking for hours about everything important in our lives, yet nothing at all. Every great memory I have here has to do with him. He is my best friend, he knows everything about me, my good days and bad days yet still loves me anyway. But then there is home.. I miss UMaine, my friends that I'm still close with from high school, and college. I miss cheering how it made me feel, the excitement from competing, and the great shape I was in. Since I stopped cheering my body and motivation to stay fit have disappeared as well. Now I look in the mirror and I don't recognize myself from the waste down. Its embarrassing too others might not notice but I sure do. And the only way I know how to get into shape is tumbling, jumping, stunting, and being forced to condition. And I'm also a momma and daddy's girl. The baby of the family, my moms only child. I've never been away for too long. And I am homesick. I miss my mom more then anything, she is one of my best friends. I can talk to her about anything, she always listens to me rant and rave about stupid things and she seems to be one of the only ones who can talk me out of the worst moods. Things aren't going too good at home and heaven forbid something happening I don't know if I could forgive myself if something took a turn for the worse and I wasn't there. MS has always been a big part of my life, my grandmother died from complications when I was very young, my Aunt C my senior year of high school. And my other Aunt, my Uncle Steve and my sister Amy have all been diagnosed with it. Only 2 more of my Grandfathers kids are left undiagnosed and the signs aren't looking so good for them. And who knows about the rest of us grandkids! I remember very little from my Aunt and Grandmother but they were weak and frail, on bed rest not what they had been before (or so I'm told). I couldn't imagine seeing a family member go through that. Since high school I wanted to get out of Maine, I hated the country the people who had never left the state, the waco's that lived there. No good shopping or restaurants, having to drive an hour to a decent mall, and if you needed something nice 3 hours to Boston. I hated living in the woods, the camp ground, the horrible dirt road that was a mud pit in the spring. When I left last year for Texas I couldn't of been happier I wanted out and to never go back. I only wanted to visit never have to deal with small town drama and the people I had grown up with. I was ready for new adventures, new friends and experiences I couldn't get in small town New England. And when I came to Utah I felt the same way. Now all I want is to drive down my dirt road to my house, spend the afternoon with my mom, sitting out back with my dad, see my high school friends, cheer in the freezing Alfond Arena. But how do I give up what I have started here? Yet how do I stay so far from my parents when they need me and I need them the most? Way too much to handle at 20 and finals coming up....
Friday, April 10, 2009
Spring Semester
This semester started with Nic and I driving from Houston to Provo, well I went and picked him up in Dallas and we drove the rest of the way in 2 days. West Texas is VERY boring, along with New Mexico. I have a new fear of canyons especially when its snowing! School in Utah is going alright, advice to anyone thinking of transferring, be prepared to retake a lot of classes, especially lower level ones. I am a third year Political Science major yet I am still taking 100 level classes! I also hate that I need to take an upper level math, and biology and chemistry. I am going to be dealing with politics and the law, I don't understand why I need to know calculus, and know how to recognize different plant species!
I got to go to the Draper Temple open house. It is so beautiful the art work and all the time and detail that goes into it is stunning! The feeling inside the Temple is unexplainable as well. I got to go twice, once with just Nic and myself and the second time with Brandon and Ali.
Valentines Day was WONDERFUL, Nic surprised me by waking me up with breakfast, he and my roommates planned this all out. We had a wonderful dinner at Macaroni Grill with Brandon and Ali, and I got chocolate covered strawberries. My best friend Rachel convinced her parents to take a family vacation to Utah, and she came to Park City. I LOVED having Rachel here, the trip was very needed, I was so happy to have someone from home. And it was great that Nic got to meet Rachel, he got to see my silly side, and me acting like I'm 5!
Nic broke his ankle while we were at Jump on It. We ended up spending 2 separate nights hanging out with the people in the ER, seeing 2 different surgeons, and lots of doctor visits.
I got baptized on February 28th, and became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This is probably one of the

March has been kinda slow. I did my first NCAA bracket, I did HORRIBLE! I dont know anything about basketball, it was fun though! Nic had surgery on his ankle, I now know how my mom feels when I get hurt or sick. I'm not used to being on this side of an injury and I worry too much. It has made me more patient though. For spring break we hung out in Provo most of the
Now its April, the semester is closing in, classes are getting harder with tons of stuff due all at once. Finals are coming up as well. Brandon and Ali are getting married on May 1st, I am really
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